AB4Rail workshop at the 13th IEEE/IET International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks & Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP’22)

AB4Rail project is organizing the 1st Workshop on Communication Technologies and Systems for Automotive and Rail. The workshop will be held within the 13th IEEE/IET International Symposium on COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS,…

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AB4Rail project participated at the 4th IEEE 5G Workshop on First Responder and Tactical Networks that will be held on 14th December  2021.

The AB4Rail described how the Adaptable Communication System (ACS) could be exploited for emergency scenarios supporting the first responders' activities. It was detailed outlined in the speech on "Adaptable Communication…

Continue Reading AB4Rail project participated at the 4th IEEE 5G Workshop on First Responder and Tactical Networks that will be held on 14th December  2021.

AB4Rail at 6th AEIT AUTOMOTIVE 2021

AB4Rail project will present its results to the 6th AEIT International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Technologies for Automotive /AEIT AUTOMOTIVE 2021, that will be virtually held on 17-19 November…

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