AB4Rail research proceeds fast and effective, the scientific board has developed and validated two important deliverables:

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AB4Rail research proceeds fast and effective, the scientific board has developed and validated two important deliverables:

  • D22. Assessment of ABs benefits, challenges and impact on infrastructure with RAT Tool and Communication Traffic Analysis This document (Public) assesses the eligibility of candidate Alternative Bearers (AB) to be integrated into the Adaptable Communication System (ACS). In the document, it is described the proposed methodology for the Alternative Bearers (AB) assessment with respect to the data rate categories and ACS Traffic Classes, thus used for the eligibility of the ABs.
  • D33. IP Emulator and scenarios definition this document (Confidential), details the features of the AB4Rail emulator to be used for transport/application protocol assessment to be carried out in the next Task 3.4 in the WP3 of the AB4Rail project. It also describes the main features of the software library developed in AB4Rail project to implement the IP-link emulator. The library allows setting the Linux OS lightweight virtual machines to emulate routers, switches, and links between two network elements and to emulate the main features of the on-board and the network ACS gateways.