AB4Rail participated in the international Transport Research Area (TRA) conference, held in Lisbon Portugal from 14th to 17th November 2022.
Alessandro Vizzarri (Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi) presented the AB4Rail latest achievements entitled “Future Communication Systems for Railway: the AB4Rail project in H2020 Shift2Rail Programme“. The authors of the paper are the following: Romeo Giuliano (Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi), F. Mazzenga (University of Rome Tor Vergata and CTO Radiolabs), A. Vizzarri, A.M. Vegni (University of ROMA TRE).
The Eu-Rail JU H2020 AB4Rail project (Alternative Bearer For Rail) investigated the possibility of extending the set of communication bearers that can be integrated into the Future Railway Mobile Communications (FRMCS) and Adaptable Communication System (ACS) systems.
According to the presentation of Alessandro Vizzarri emerged that the most promising candidates as alternative bearers are: Free Space Optics (FSO) and innovative aerial communication technologies including Low Earth Orbit High-Throughput Satellites(LEO HTSs) and High-Altitude Platform Stations (HAPSs).