Final Workshop “New Frontiers in communications for European rails” successfully held!

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The final dissemination event of the AB4Rail project was held on 21st December 2022. We were honoured to benefit from the speeches of Dr. G. Marinic, Program Manager of Europe’s Rail JU, Dr. E. Spinelli, Business Applications Engineer in the European Space Agency and Dr. C.Ramini, vice president of NTT DATA. Furthermore, Prof. F. Mazzenga (project coordinator of AB4Rail) described the overall project activities, later on Prof. A. Vizzarri (USGM) described the potential of HTS-LEO in providing the 1-Gbps throughput for specific train communication traffic classes, especially in tomorrow’s situation (e.g., for video data application in uplink).

Finally, prof. R.Giuliano (professor of Network and Wireless Systems at Guglielmo Marconi University) provided the results related to the performance of TCP BBR, TCP Cubic, SCTP and QUIC, below the application protocols HTTP and FTP together with their secured versions HTTPS and FTPS. He also presented the dissemination activities and successful impact within the two-years projects.


New Frontiers in communications for European rails


Gorazd Marinic – EU Rail programme
Enrico Spinelli – The Satellite and FRMCS
Franco Mazzenga – AB4Rail Project Overview
Claudio Ramini – The role of the rail in the integrated mobility
Alessandro Vizzarri – Novel bearers for rail communication
Franco Mazzenga and Romeo Giuliano – Protocol impact on rail communications
Romeo Giuliano – Events and disseminations
