AB4Rail project presented at the AEIT 2021 International Annual Conference

  • Post category:Events

AB4Rail Scientific Board joined the Panel Session on Communications focused on “The last trends of communications in transport systems”. The Session was organised within the AEIT 2021 International Annual Conference held virtually from 4th to 8th October 2021.
Transport systems are experiencing a particular evolution and they are becoming more and more autonomous and with ever more limited human control, mainly owing to new information and communication technologies. Therefore, Automotive sector is beginning the age of true connected vehicles, exploiting novel wireless infrastructures and supported by big data, artificial intelligence, adaptable communication systems (ACS). The Railway sector is on the point of passing from GSMR and TETRA dedicated radio connections to more advanced large-bandwidth communication systems interacting with a huge quantity of IoT devices, and all the generated traffic is managed with novel dynamic and secure approaches permitting driverless car and running of ultra-high-speed trains. Prof. Romeo Giuliano and Prof. Alessandro Vizzarri presented the major actual findings of AB4Rail Shift2Rail Project.

For more information, please visit the AEIT 2021 International Annual Conference webpage.
