Guglielmo Marconi University hopped on the CONNECTING EUROPE EXPRESS in Rome!

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Guglielmo Marconi University is glad to sustain and join a great European initiative. Thanks to our Professor Romeo Giuliano the University has hopped on the train Connecting Europe Express, stopping in Rome for one day. Connecting Europe Express will travel in 26 countries, 40 railway partners, 100 cities and for 20.000 kilometres to promote RAIL transport. The train started from Lisbon and will arrive in Paris on 7 October. It will crisscross Europe to promote rail as a sustainable and innovative mode of transport.

The aim is to encourage the use of trains by both people and freight, thus reducing the carbon footprint. The University strongly sustains the European rail sector’s challenges and goals, in academic path and in the research challenges. USGM is in fact partner in the AB4Rail project, led by Professor Franco Mazzenga of Radiolabs, with the objective to investigate and assess the Adaptable Communication System (ACS) in terms of Alternative Bearers and Communication Protocols for railways applications.

Through the identification and testing of possible alternative communication technologies AB4Rail will support the rail as a sustainable and innovative mode of transport worldwide, thus contributing to the EU Green Deal goal.
Hop on the CEE train and Ab4Rail initiative too