X2Rail and AB4Rail ongoing collaboration – meeting April 2021

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A second important meeting between the X2Rail project consortium and the AB4Rail project partners was held on 19th April 2021. Kerstin Keil (DB), Annamaria Vegni (Radiolabs, University of ROMA TRE), Franco Mazzenga (Radiolabs, University of Rome Tor Vergata) presented the latest developments on potential technologies to support train operations.

Other topics highlighted the impact of 5G as well as IoT on ACS development and the necessity to identify innovative and suitable business models for rail technologies. Ulrich Geier (Kontron) announced that the X2R-5 work program activities just started after the previous X2R-3.

Ben Allen, relating to the energy system, suggested that whilst the telecoms energy footprint was important, the railway energy footprint would have been MUCH larger. Hence using the telecoms system to help reduce the railway energy footprint would have been probably more substantial.

Finally, Goradz Marinic, on behalf of shift2rail programme and as ab4rail project officer, emphasized his commitment to support the Ab4Rail project aims as well as to support the exchanging of information and data between the two projects.

Next meeting in June 2021!