The AB4Rail Kick-off meeting & dissemination event to introduce the core project challenges!

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The AB4Rail European project was officially introduced to the Railway stakeholders on 4th of February, 2021. Thanks to a proactive commitment and all partners’ enthusiasm, one public event  was organised to introduce the main project goals, the key activities and forthcoming two years challenges. During the event, the audience has benefited from the speeches of Alessandro Neri, President of Radiolabs, Franco Mazzenga, Project Coordinator on behalf of Radiolabs -RDL, Thomas Chatelet representative of ERA – EU Agency for Railways, Gorazd Marinic who introduced the Shift2Rail Programme – S2R, Ulrich Geier who introduced the X2Rail-5, Kontron’s initiatives.

The other project staff members have introduced all the project work packages: Maurizio Salvitti, Anna Maria Vegni and Alessandro Vizzarri on behalf of Radiolabs and Romeo Giuliano on behalf of Guglielmo Marconi University. The audience appreciated the innovativeness and the core aims wishing to be updated in the future on the next activities.